The End Of The (Human's) World 1.0

The Whaling industry, alone, is majorly responsible.

Whales are basically dead already, we’re watchin a slow motion train wreck happen in front of our eyes. That damage is irreparable.

Big things die and feed little things. Little things run out of food, they die. Not really a big deal, and the entire scalar shift would take much longer, but I’m sure you see where I’m going already.

Yet we continue to whale. That’s bad enough.

Ouroboros ?

For this next part, you have to assume that the earth is alive. Do you know any single creature that could wrap itself in constrictive line, 50 times? And live? I’m not saying that’s a major factor in an extinction level event, but it certainly does not help. Yet we continue to use fishing lines that don’t degrade. Adding to perhaps the single most devastating problem yet.


These plastics that don’t break down are beaten to pulp that the fish then breathe. They are drowning in the water. Literally.

If all that wasn’t bad enough, we have… ta dadada! Aquariums! You know that cute grass that grows in aquariums and lives through like.. anything?! And it always looks so nice and fresh, but doesn’t do anything?! And like?... the never like… touch it?!

Who the fuck threw that in the ocean?

There are gigantic swaths of land that used to hold plants that fish could eat. And graze. They are underwater cattle. Well now, that lovely fake grass has forced all those fish to move, and in there place, jellyfish. Jellyfish are slowly taking over. We better figure out how to eat them, quick.

But that’s all adding to the death nail.

When the oceans die, when the whales stop stirring the pot. When the motion stops, when the fish aren’t there to migrate. Oxygen saturation levels are going to shift in catastrophic ways. That is unmistakably the death of man, on this earth, outside of small remote Bradburian fortresses, if any.

Oxygen is nuts. It’s also the biggest culprit in greenhouse effects. They’ve got us so worried about CO2, that nobody understands basic shit anymore. Below 15% oxygen in ambient air. You die. Above 22%, you die. Above 25%, the sky catches on fire. Literally.